Origin Story

John 13-21

When you read the Gospel of John, two interesting, unexpected things happen when you get to chapter 13, approximately halfway through the story: First, the narrative slows down. Four entire chapters are devoted to one conversation between Jesus and His disciples, for instance. Second, Jesus is through with His public ministry. There are no more sermons before huge crowds. Instead, His focus is on those who followed Him. He is getting them ready—through His words, but even more so, through His death and resurrection—to change the world forever. In a confusing, chaotic world, sometimes it’s important to for God’s people to go back to the beginning, to remember how Christianity first started. Then we realize what is truly important; what’s actually worth fighting and dying for. John 13-21 is our origin story.

Archived Wednesday Night Message Series


Origin Story - Week 1


Mama Bear Apologetics